Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Thanksgiving Day!
Happy Turkey Day!  My Shyblosky side of the family came over to my house.  Mom made a turkey and birthday cake.  How exciting to see Mimi and Papa, Uncle Bill and Aunt Laura, Kaitlyn and Alek.  We celebrated my 5th birthday while everyone was here.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Momma went to my I.E.P. today with my teachers and therapists.  They all found out that I can do more than they all think.  I like to spread my abilities around.  I talk at home and daycare, but not for my speech therapists.  I will stack blocks for my teacher Annmarie, but not for my Momma and occupational therapists.  Aren't I a little stinker! Ha Ha Ha!

Monday, November 17, 2008

10 Little Indians!
Today at preschool we made Indians vests and necklaces.  We have been learning about Thanksgiving, The Native Americans and Pilgrims.  I also had a time-out for the first time today for not listening.  I'm not quite sure about time-out, Momma and Daddy don't use that with me.    

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Toys R Us!
Mom and Dad took me to Toys R Us today.  I like to call it "Heaven on Earth".  I found a lot of things I "need" but Mom and Dad would not let me have them.  They just kept saying it is to close to my birthday and Christmas.  I guess I can wait 2 more weeks.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Bobcat of the Month!
I received the Bobcat of the Month award at school this month.  How fun.  The school took my picture with the other kids at school who received the award.  It will be in the newspaper.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I went to see my ENT, DR. Murphy.  He looked at my ears and says I need tubes again.  I just got those things last November.  They come out this summer.  Now I will have to wear plugs agian when my hair gets washed or I go swimming.  Oh well, at least I won't be as sick.

Monday, November 10, 2008

It's Monday!
Today I went to preschool where I made a helicopter.  Then I went to daycare.  We had fish sticks for lunch and I had two helpings.  YUM!  Dad picked me up at his usual time and we went home and waited for Momma.  After having pizza for dinner, I watched Dancing With The Stars.  My favorite is Cody Linley, of course, he's on Hannah Montana.  

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Miss Alicia!
Last night Momma and Dad went to a football game.  I got to stay home with Miss Alicia.  She is a lot of fun.  We watched the Hannah Montana marathon, she made me dinner, and gave me a bath.  Momma says, "Miss Alicia said you were a good girl".  Yay me!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Back to School!
I got to go back to preschool today.  My nose is finally drying up.  I had a good time and we ate eggs because we were studying the letter E.  My afternoon at daycare was not as good.  I got in trouble for pulling out all of the paper towels.  Daddy came just in the nick of time.  I cried to him and he took me home.   

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Runny Nose!
Will the snotty nose ever go away?  Mom says I can't go to preschool tomorrow because I am sick.  Oh well. Maybe I will sleep in or maybe not.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day!
Today, I went to vote with Mom and Dad.  We were number 15 in line.  Dad went out early and set up camp.  We all went in, voted, and were back to the car by 7:10.  This was my second time to vote for the President with my Mom and Dad.  I wonder who will win?