Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My new baby sister!
Here she is, my new baby sister! She is 7lbs. and 4oz. and 20 inches long.
Just came out and getting cleaned up!

Hi Mommy!

Nana and Mimi (proud grandmas's)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Busy Week!
Momma is 37 weeks pregnant! She went to get pics of Baby Emily on Wednesday. She says Baby Emily is 7lbs. 5oz. big. I finally lost my tooth on Thursday. I woke up from my nap at school with blood on my face and "gushing" out my mouth according to Mr. Smotherman. Momma, Miss Sharon and Miss Amber wrestled me down and daycare and pulled it. I had three Valentines parties this week. On Wednesday, my first school dance, sponsored by the Special Ed Bus Drivers. I had a great time dancing and eating. Momma could not go so she did not get pics, but my teachers did. I had two more parties at school and daycare on Friday. This week we are resting and getting ready for Nana to arrive and of course the arrival of Baby Emily.
Momma belly at 37 weeks. I just couldn't resist getting in the pic.

Can you see the hole? I wasn't in the mood to show Momma, I was busy coloring!

My tooth is in the bag. The Tooth Fairy came and left me a quarter and a note.

Yum! Cupcake!