Monday, March 22, 2010

1 Week Old!
March 1, 2010

Riley greeting Emily after school!

I week check-up with Dr. Kirschner! 7 lbs. 5 oz.
Mimi's Fabulous Four!
The hospital rules state: No children under the age of 12 years on the Labor and Delivery floor unless they are healthy siblings. Kaitlyn and Alek had to wait till Emily came home to see her.
Alek was interested at first and went to play, typical boy. Kaitlyn enjoyed holding Emily. I think she is going to make a great mommy some day.

Friday, March 19, 2010

First Evening At Home!
Mimi and Papa brought Riley home after school Thursday to find Baby Emily at home. The first evening was filled with craziness and a lot of emotions, mostly from a touch of post-partum. We got through it though. Thanks to Nana for keeping me awake during that middle of the night feeding.

Unwrapping presents from Grandmother and Jim. Thanks for the bears!

Riley sticking close to Momma while watching Hannah Montana.

Can life get any better than this!

Riley thinking...Is she going to do this all the time?

Feeding our babies.
Going Home!
After 3 days and 3 nights, Emily left the hospital to go home on Thursday. Although the insurance would allow us to stay until Friday, we were feeling homesick and missing Daddy and Riley.
Dr. Sue Ann McGuire - OBGYN
This is the doctor who diligently watched over the pregnancy and delivered Baby Emily!

Dressed and waiting on Daddy to pick us up.

Getting in the car.

We made it home.