Thursday, December 11, 2008

Let It Snow!
When Momma and I left daycare this evening, it was SNOWING!  Yeah!!!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Santa Clause!
Today I went to visit Santa.  He is pretty cool.  I hope he brings me some things for my baby doll.  

Saturday, December 6, 2008

This picture is of me and my Papa!  My daddy took this picture.  

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

This morning was my surgery.  I had to be at the surgery center at 7:15.  We checked in and waited to be called back.  Momma and I received matching bracelets and finally the nurse and the man who put me to sleep took me to the O.R.  Dr Murphy met us back there.  Next thing I know, I was waking up with Nurse Peggy and Momma and Daddy were coming in to see me.  I was "stoned" for a while today, but Dr. Sears gave me a nose spray to help that.  I woke up pleasant this time.  We came home and I have slept and watched T.V. all day.  I feel good.