Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Growing Up!
Last week was busy of course. Here is a little idea.

First time sitting up in the shopping cart. It's a whole new word.

"Wow Riley, that is soooo cool!" says Emily.

Emily's gears are stuck in reverse. She traveled from this toy to the love seat, scooting on her tummy.

Watching for Riley to get off the school bus.

Next drummer in the family? Just like Grandad and Uncle Jonathan.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Testing Papa's Computer

Monday, August 9, 2010

First Week of School!

Sorry for the delay in postings. Our camera broke over the 4th of July. We got a new one the night before the first day of school. So here we go. August 2nd was the first day of school and Riley was excited to see her teachers and friends. She is still in Mr. Smotherman's class. Mrs Klahn and Mrs. Waldorf are both there. Riley's little friend Wyatt, who had to miss the last 2 months of school due to surgery also returned.

Daddy teaching something bad!
Before we know it, they will be doing this on there own.

New agenda! Riley also verbally said Her teachers name on Tuesday!

Due to my new work schedule, Riley gets to ride the bus home.

Our air conditioning went out Wednesday night, so although it was fixed on Thursday, it was still hot. Daddy took us out to eat for Japanese. The girls loved watching the chef cook in front of us.