Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Royal Family visits Tennessee!

JUST KIDDING! Prince William and Prince Harry did not come, but the Queens did. My family came for a visit in March to visit Emily for the first time. My brother and his wife, along with their daughter arrived March 12th via airplane and enjoyed the weekend. Nana and Grandad arrived the next day by car. It was cold and rainy the whole time so we did not do much outside. We did a little shopping, but mostly we stayed in and enjoyed talking, playing and READING! Well, Aunt Kristen had to do a lot of reading.

Bunny Ears! Aren't they cute.
Madelyn was not into Emily, that is why she is far behind.

Always is teacher mode...Nana the girls playing with Play-Doh!

The Royal Grandparents and their princesses!

The Royal Aunt and Uncle, Jonathan and Kristen, grabbing a moment while Madelyn napped to play with Emily.

1 comment:

The Queens said...

You'll be happy to know it's not just Emily... We went to visit some friends in north Fort Worth who just had a baby and she did NOT like her either. Who knows what her deal is...
Thanks for the pic today via text. :)